After new drywall installation, many homeowners make the mistake of not adding primer before painting. Unfortunately, doing this can lead to a bad-looking paint job.
So how many coats of primer do you need on new drywall?
As a general rule of thumb, you should put two coats of primer on bare drywall. This number will vary depending on the type of primer you use.
Why is Putting Primer on New Drywall Important?
Drywall and drywall mud are both porous. If you paint directly on new drywall, it will soak up a lot of the paint, and you’ll need to add several coats to create an even finish.
And even then, your paint job may still look uneven and unprofessional. You also run the risk of the paint cracking or peeling as time passes.
To prevent this, you need a good primer.
Primer has polyvinyl acetate in it (PVA.) PVA seals the drywall, creating a uniform and non-porous surface for your paint to stick to. So, before you whip out your paint can and paintbrush, seal your drywall with an appropriate primer.
What are the Types of Primer?
There are three main types of primer: self-priming paint, tinted primer, and primer-sealer.
Self-priming paint and tinted primers both prime the wall and add color simultaneously. They can help you achieve even paint coverage with fewer coats than regular paint.
Primer-sealers aren’t usually tinted. They cover and seal the wall, creating a smooth, even surface.
If your drywall has stains or water damage, you need to use a primer-sealer before painting.
How Many Coats of Primer Do I Put On New Drywall?
For bare drywall, use two coats of a primer-sealer. The drywall may absorb a bit of the first coat, so by doing two, you’ll have a nice, even surface for your paint.
The number of coats can vary from 1 to 3, though.
After you’ve applied the first coat of primer, inspect the wall. If there is any unevenness, add another coat.
Also, if you plan to use self-priming paint, you can opt for only one coat of regular primer.
How to Prime Drywall

After you’ve finished sanding your drywall, make sure the walls are completely clean and free from drywall dust.
Once the walls are clean and dry, apply a coat of primer-sealer. Allow the primer coat to fully dry, and then add a second coat.
Once the second coat is dry, you’ll be ready to add new paint.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many coats of primer do I need to put over drywall compound?
Add two coats of a primer-sealer over drywall compound. Drywall compound is porous, so it may absorb part of the first coat.
By adding a second coat, you’ll seal the wall and create the perfect base for paint adhesion.
How many coats of primer for the new ceiling drywall?
Treat your ceiling just like your wall, and add two coats of primer-sealer before adding your paint. This will seal the bare drywall and create an optimal surface for your ceiling paint.
How many coats of paint over primer?
It usually takes about two coats of paint over drywall primer to achieve an even finish. However, this will vary depending on the type of interior paint you use and the color.
For optimal coverage, apply a coat of paint, allow it to completely dry, and inspect. Repeat this process until your paint job is even.
Final Thoughts
Priming your bare drywall is crucial. If you skip this step, you’ll get an uneven paint job and the potential for peeling and cracking paint.
A primer-sealer will seal your drywall and mud job, creating a uniform, solid surface. After you prime, you’ll be ready to paint or wallpaper.